Saturday, May 7, 2011

What are your Core Values???

I am constantly looking for inspirational and motivational articles or quotes!  Running your own business I feel that you need to, to keep you going strong.  I have always worked for companies in the past that have had great core values to lean on when you are feeling down or in a rut.  So now that I only have myself to lean on when it comes to my business, I feel I need to find my own core values.  It is usually the first thing I do in the morning before getting out of bed.  I get on my computer and start looking for new articles or stories that can encourage me to conquer the day.  Sometimes it is an article from someone I admire who has been successful in their own business and life or sometimes it is a bible story or verse that reminds me that I can do anything I put my heart to.  I found this one this morning and thought it was another great reminder on to run your business and live our lives!  I hope these steps help you conquer YOUR day!
  • ·        Follow your passion. The only way to live is to do what you truly love. Don't let others steal your dreams, find what you love and the money will follow. Don't just pursue a hobby; turn into a career. 
  • ·         Set goals, set a deadline. If you can have whatever, you want would you take it? Write down your goals and dreams. Create a dream board, take notes of the things you love and want to accomplish and start them. The life I'm living today is a reflection of the goals I set in the past. 
  • ·         Let go of any negative friendships. Life is too precious to be hanging around negativity. If you have friends who discourage you and pull you down, it's time to get rid of them. 
  • ·         Surround yourself with positive people. I often say, surround yourself with people who are smarter than you. Who are the people you normally spend time with? Who are the people that you can trust and encourage you to do better? Your attitudes and your beliefs are a function of the people you spend time with. 
  • ·         Believe in yourself. Sometimes all we really need is belief or someone to believe in us. The majority of times I've been able to achieve something because I believed in myself and I had others who believed in me. 
  • ·         Create an action plan. Do you plan your days? Do you wake up in the morning not knowing what you are supposed to be doing? Do you keep a calendar and a to do list? If not, maybe it's time you do!
  • ·         Be compassionate, love conquers all. Show love and kindness to all the people around you, especially to do those who are there to help you. You can accomplish anything with love and respect.
  • ·         Network and meet new people. The more people you know the more possibilities you will have to grow and learn from others. Most people have a habit of secluding themselves in small circles. That won't help us grow. Get out, go to events, network have others introduce you, the point is you have to meet new people.
  • ·         Mentor someone. There is no better way to learn about yourself than to teach others. Is there someone you know that can benefit from your help? Not only will you feel rewarded, but you will pick up new things along the way.

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